Friday, May 22, 2015


Hello it is Joshua.

This is my cake. I made it with my mom at home. I wanted some cake because I love it so much, so I made one with my mom. I got all messy from a lot of mixing. At first mixing was easy but it started getting harder. The batter got thicker so the whisk moved slower through it.

After awhile the mixing was all done. Next, I put it in the oven. At first when I put it in, it looked all wet. After 20 minutes I checked on it and it looked more dry and more solid, but it was not finished baking yet. After I checked, it baked for 15 more minutes, and then the timer went off. The cake was ready.

If you are wondering why there is a piece missing it is because I ate it. It was delicious.

I had a lot of fun making the cake. I hope I can do it again someday.

Dream box

Hi, it is Noah. This is my dream box.

My dream box carries coins for me, and other small things. My parents bought it in California.We went to California a few years ago.

My dream box cost $3, but it was worth it. My family and I were taking a walk in a forest named Muir woods and there was a shop in the forest that had this dream box. As you can see in the picture above it says Muir woods on my dream box. It also has my name on it, and there is a picture of a forest on it. I don't know why it is called a dream box.

I wanted the dream box because it could carry my stuff for me.

I liked going to Muir woods, I would go again.

 See you later. :)

My cap

Hi, it is Noah. Today we are going to be talking about my cap.

My cap is a Nike cap. I've had it and used it for a long time.

Soon I'm going to get a new cap. It's a better cap than this one in the picture above. Soon I'm going to make a post about my new cap.

That's all I'm going to write about for today.See you later!:)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My duck

Hi guys, it is Joshua.

Today I will talk about my stuffed animal duck. His name is Fluffy and he loves stories. His eyes get huge every time hear hears someone reading because he loves listening to stories. He does not do too much except when it comes to stories. Usually he just eats and sleeps. He never wants to miss out on a story. Whenever he does, he gets really upset. He also likes to get a lot of attention. He doesn't really exercise so he is a bit chubby.

My brother and I like him because he's really soft and warm. We sometimes bring him on trips. Fluffy was meant to be mine but my brother likes him too so we both take care of him. Fluffy loves to have fun but not the kind of fun when you're getting all sweaty. He likes having fun playing videos games and watching TV.

I think I'll stop talking for today and thank you for commenting under my posts!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My Spiderman

Hi, It is Noah once again. Today we will be talking about my Spiderman.

I got Spiderman about three years ago on Christmas. Spiderman is really big in real life up close.
He sleeps with me sometimes. I like him because he's so soft.

I have to end it now because he doesn't really do anything else, he only does the things I already told you about. See you later!:)

Monday, May 11, 2015

My computer

Hi, it is Noah again. Today we are going to talk about my computer.

My computer is everything I need to look up stuff on Google or Youtube.

I also play video games on my computer a lot. I play Bad Ice Cream and I play Minecraft. Let me tell you, they're really fun games.

You can tell this is my computer because in the picture above it has my name on it.

I don't have much to say because there's not really anything more about my computer, so I guess this is the end. Also my hands are getting tired. See you later!:)

Encyclopedia Brown

Hello again, it is Joshua.

I love reading Encyclopedia Brown books. Encyclopedia Brown is a detective and he is the son of the police chief. He is smarter than most people and has solved many cases. He charges 25 cents for each case. If he can't find out the solution before dessert his mom gets a bit mad. He is my favourite detective.

I always try to figure out what the solution is but I can never do it. My brother is so anxious to find out the answers that he peeks at the solutions at the back of the book when nobody's looking and then after a story is finished he always knows the answers.

I think I'll stop for today but please tell me how you liked this post. I hope you all have an awesome day!